Log Entry 140816.111

Our studies have been progressing really well. With the extra time T'Roc has given us, we've been able to crack on. Yesterday evening though, Al and I had both just settled down for our next stint. I was just immersing myself into Warp Core Safety when my door chimed. We both looked up and stared at each other.
"Expecting anyone?" asked Al, but she knew from my face that I wasn't.
I answered the door and to my surprise found Jarrod on the doorstep. She smiled at me (never a good sign).
"Can I come in?" she asked.
In Jarrod terms, 'can I come in' means 'I'm coming in', so I stepped off to one side, her smile expanding unnervingly. Even Al stood up as she entered.
"No, no. Take a seat, cadet," she smiled. "You too, Jenny."
We sat like mannequins as she circled the desk looking at our work, with Al and I flashing nervous glances at each other.
What should we do? Carry on working? Invite her to join us? Did she want to discuss our progress? Had we done something wrong?
She coughed lightly, revelling in our discomfort.
"Catching up?" she asked quietly.
"Yes, thank you," we chorused.
"Jolly good, but when was the last time you did something fun or relaxing?"
Ay? What? Pardon?
Her eyes repeated the question, but Al and I just sat there, dumb.
"I thought so. Well, as they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so put your books away and get yourself off to Starboard-7 for the evening. Have a couple of drinks, grab something to eat. Chill."
"Chill?" I enquired.
"Yes. Chill."
But we just sat there like idiots.
"That's an order," she said sternly, her eyes narrowing to enforce that wicked smile of hers.
Still shocked by the order, we remained glued to our seats. As she tipped her head to one side though, we suddenly fled like frightened children causing a kerfuffle in our wake. Al knocked the table and various pads hit the floor. As we scrabbled to pick them up, we banged heads. We screamed and a loud tut from Jarrod made me snort with laughter, which earned me a whack on the shoulder from Al. I squealed in mock pain.
"Are you actually going to go, or are you just going to hide under the table and hope I don't notice you?" Jarrod demanded.
"Going," I assured her.
Finally, we managed to throw the pads back onto the desk and headed to the door. It opened and Al fled out first, but I waited. Jarrod followed slowly, looking at me sceptically.
"Forgotten something?" she asked.
"I've got to make sure Beastie doesn't get out," I explained pointing to the cat.
Jarrod smiled.
"Probably a good idea," her head nodding and her whole face smiled with sarcasm.
What did she mean by that? But we didn't have time to think about it. With Beastie on the right side of the door and the door sealed, we were chivvied off to Starboard-7 giggling like school kids.

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