Within hours of their escape from the cybernetics lab, they had heard about the hearing and the possibility of my dismissal from Starfleet, Lizzy knew she had to come back. Peter had pleaded with her against it, knowing that she would be detained by Firth the minute she showed her face, but Lizzy was insistent. That's when Peter had the idea.
About a year ago, the chancellor of Fellsus IV was assassinated, and Vice-Chancellor Telix was arrested for the murder. He protested his innocence strongly and Starfleet immediately began to have its doubts as to his guilt. He had no motive and it was all just a little bit too convenient for Hargo-Derea, the General Prime (leader) of the Fellsian Military.
Under normal circumstances, upon the death of the chancellor, the vice-chancellor would take the seat. The role of vice-chancellor was really one of apprentice to the chancellor, learning everything possible about the role in order to take over the chancellorship when the time came. But, while Telix was accused of the crime, he could not fulfil that obligation and if found guilty, he never would become chancellor.
Further, for some time prior to the assassination, events had come to light which suggested that Hargo-Derea was plotting a military coup against the chancellorship and current government. Evidence was being collected and his arrest was imminent. All that was required was for the Chancellor to review the latest findings from his Chief of Security and issue the order. The Chief of Security, however, died in his sleep (apparently from heart failure) the evening before the meeting was due to be held. The Chancellor was then murdered the very next day, apparently by the hand of the Vice-Chancellor.
Being a member of the United Federation of Planets, it was only fitting that representatives from Starfleet attend the funeral. It would also be a good opportunity for someone to make some discrete enquiries. Thus, the USS Persephone was dispatched.
As Chief of Security, Peter Targo soon noticed some very telling inconsistencies which indicated that the assassination was not the work of the vice-chancellor, but rather that of the military. The rest is history.
The salient point here is that Peter was very familiar with the Fellsian laws regarding marriage. He knew he could use it to ensure that if Lizzy came to the hearing, she could not be detained. The fact that he adored her was by-the-by. What he had not anticipated was Lizzy's reaction.
Lizzy had never expected to live very long. She knew what she was: an experiment. She had always known that within a few years she would be dismantled and thus, she had determined that if her life was going to be short, she was damned well going to live it. And she did.
Having discovered a passion for music and with her unique singing voice, she soon secured regular bookings at a number of venues. She knew that it would probably shorten her lifespan even further because Firth wouldn't tolerate it but, as she put it, if a candle burns twice as brightly, it will only burn half as long. With that in mind, she knew that she would never have time to fall in love and never marry. She was certainly incapable of bearing children, so the thought of any sort of relationship had been firmly pushed into the furthest reaches of her mind ... and then Peter arrived.
She knew he was besotted with her from the very beginning, and she did not encourage him in his pursuits of her because it would be so unfair on him. She did, however, indulge herself a little and spend time with him in Bejazzled because he was so charming and she was so flattered by his attention. He was the first person who treated her as a real woman, so she couldn't resist temptation and reject him completely.
The rest was history ... until his proposal of marriage. At first he had suggested it as a means to an end, but when they arrived on Fellsus IV and he spoke to Chancellor Telix, introducing her as his fiancée, she knew that he would be more than happy if the marriage was one of love. Yet still she resisted ... until the kiss.
Having made their oaths, it was to be sealed with a kiss. It was her first kiss, and as their lips met, as she felt the soft, warm cushion of his lips upon hers (her eyes were glazing over at this point), then she knew that she wanted him forever. If she had tear ducts, I think she would have cried.
If only I could have captured all that to replay at the hearing.